

Community is the origin and heart of purpose disruptors.

Purpose Disruptors started in a pub. Our co-founders, all ex ad-industry insders met to discuss the tension they felt working in marketing, advertising and media.


We’ve been running gatherings online and in-person for 4 years. Ranging from 15 people in a pub, to hosting 200 leaders and changemakers at our Earth Day Summit.

Connection and community is everything, it gives us hope and fuels action. We hope you can join us.

Join us for the launch of the first Good Life 2030 Ireland citizen vision report.

The report uncovers insights into what Irish people believe a ‘good life’ looks like for them in the year 2030.

This in-depth, nationally representative piece of research shows, overwhelmingly – people of Ireland desire lives filled with connection to self, to others and to nature – not consumption.

Join the lead researchers and the Purpose Disruptors Ireland team and hear the insights which demonstrate Irish citizens are reappraising what a 'good life' means to them.

Thursday the 16th May, from 12pm - 1.30pm BST

See you there!

ClientEarth Q&A

Disruptor Session:
Vol 3 - Client Earth

Watch on-demand

In each event of the Disruptor Sessions, we learn about a bold, big idea that can help address our climate emergency and discuss how it can be applied to the ad industry.

In our last session Client Earth Lawyer, Greenwashing expert and ChangeTheBrief faculty member Johnny White joined us.

Johnny gave an overview of the creative and pioneering ways Client Earth are using the law to hold states and corporations to account for reckless behaviour. He also shared developments in the legal space that may impact our world of advertising and marketing.

Watch the Q&A below.


Past Events


Catch up on our Q&A with doughnut economics

Watch back our first ‘Disruptor Session’, with the revolutionary Doughnut Economics.

Erinch Sahan, Business and Enterprise lead helped us unpack Doughnut Economics and understand how we can rethink and redesign businesses to support a regenerative society.

Catch up on our Q&A with SOPHIE HOWE

Sophie was the first Future Generations Commissioner for Wales. who held Government to account for decisions affecting future generations.

Hear how the radical idea of a future generations commissioner works in the real world, and how we can apply to the world of advertising and marketing.

Watch highlights from our Earth DAy Ad summit

We convened over 200 industry leaders and changemakers to rethink the role of advertising at the Tate Modern.

Watch our headline talk from Brian Eno and Jon Alexander in conversation with Co-founder Lisa, and explore our Good Life Exhibition of the future.